

We were given the challenge to create a unique and striking film set for a brand film that was being produced to showcase how orthodontics enhance their patients’ brilliant smiles through innovative high-technology and vice versa.


To showcase adults 32 teeth, we created 32 shards of glass, all standing at 3m tall. With projection from behind and real-time animation software which collated the music being played by the composer and lit up the glass columns accordingly, creating a visually impactful performance. The shards were all staggered at first but through clever direction and camera movement, we see all shards lined up in one straight line, to depict the magic that orthodontics do on staggered teeth when working with Invisaligns high technology.


The video, which was used for internal education and demonstrative purposes of the services Invisalign provided, was really well received in that the quality of the overall production was admired and it acted as a great tool of inspiration.